We decided to make a float...well, a wagon really, the night before...the 1960's board game "Mystery Date" (Your sister probably had one. You either got to date the surfer, the nerd, the guy in the tux etc). Our summer neighbor Matt painted the wood (Our cutting table top! We were pressed for time), Bobby (Wearing Mitch's toupee here) and I attached some 2 by 4's and some wheels (My sister Allison went to the hardware store 15 times....we have no short term memory), then we tricked Bob, Travis, Dana, Max and others (Mitch rode on the back) to drag the 900 pound rickety thing all the way down Commercial street on the HOTTEST day of the summer (We never really thought it would make it to Pearl Street without falling apart...) I watched from a second floor window...sorry guys.
Send us your Carnival pics!